Well, good morning to all and my your day be peaceful and blessed. This is Monday the 23rd just days from thanksgiving, and i wanted to remind us all that yes we are all facing new normals and truthfully the world seems a bit crazy, BUT, because we have an all knowing and understanding God, WE can face things with a positive attitude and continue to up-lift thoughts around us....do your part to be that light and person others

can come to in times like these. It in these times where more people are depressed and feeling alone, because they are without the ones they love or they cant do certain things for them . In my situation i see it in others eyes or actions. And i seek to try to bring them a chance to smile or offer them a hugg. people ,com'on its sometimes the simple acts that can save a life or get them to think about what they do have ..I've always been one to sing and most like it because i have to keep fighting with songs and praise . This doing time is hard when your around folks but there's still that feeling of being alone . so if your out there reading this smile laugh and sing your go to happy song ..I LOVE YOU AND GOD BLESS US ALL!!!! KENNY BOLDEN