You wanna know one of the most amazing things about the Word of God? It's when God shows you your life through His Truth. I'm currently incarcerated at Stafford Creek Corrections Center. I was walking down the breezeway one day, thinking about God's goodness. Then God asked me, "why do you love Me?" Initially my response was the typical 'religious, churchy' answer, like. 'Oh, Lord I love You because You sent Your Son to bless Me with the free gift of salvation.' Then I thought about John 3:16, 'God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.....' But God asked me again, "But why do *you* love Me?" When God asked me the question twice, I knew He wasn't interested in the cliché 'textbook' answer. The Lord was making it personal and He wanted a personal answer to His question. I thought for a few seconds before I replied, "Lord, I love You because You show me who I am without You." To be continued.....
Michael Rhem..... Word of God.
Updated: Jun 30, 2021