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Greatness is a Beautiful Trait

Rashad D. Babbs

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

Hmmm walking in your greatness is an beautiful trait, being one with self opens you to a different level of understanding of Gods love. I recognize that the devil comes real sneeky! and is cleaver when he is at work!!. He has away of trying to trap you and district you, away from the power of true greatness! when it comes together. The devil will use the body of true love, true friendship, and true comrade companionship against you. From the real work and, taste of blood sweat, and tears! mixed with every sauce and flavor to direct pure fruit with the populated fruit that has been apart, an origin of our flesh! tide to the turf!!! So Hetepu my brother we have an mission a strong one that we must, I say we MUST continue to reshape and mold. Build a force field around our crowns, to stand strong and march on, these moments of greatness? We say thank you thank you thank you to the most high for the experience and the pain we endured and put out there in the world when we was lost!. Today as we stay armored

up we stand firm! to let go and destroy the devil and rebuild in Gods love is my love. I want to take notice that I see you Lord, be our fence post around us me and my brother (s). We love you thank you thank you thank you. Teach us the power vs power from our Great mother(s) that brought us in to this world. That we stand in nothing but our Greatness. We need help! right now this moment. Amen

Rashad D Babbs

Intellectual Property

11.13.202O SCCC

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