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The Power of Purity

Writer's picture: Mcqueen VarnesMcqueen Varnes

Scriptures: Genesis 35:2/James 4:8-10/Ephesians 4:22-24/Romans 13:14/2 Timothy 2:19-22/1 Thessalonians 4:1-7.

All these scriptures speak to our responsibility as Christmas to lead pure lives. These passages aren't asking for perfection. They aren't a list of things we need to do to establish a relationship with God. They are a means for us to prepare ourselves to be of use to the father. There is tremendous power available to us, but our vessels/bodies and minds need to be made ready to interact with this power . In second Corinthians 4:7 it says we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be God and not of us. The gospel is powerful as the following scriptures will attest. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5/4:19-20/1 Thessalonians 1:5/Mark 16:20/Acts 8:4-8. The early Church needed the power of God to make it through the day. Paul told Timothy to suffer according to the power of God. The early believes understood like no one else what Jesus said in the great commission in Mathew 10 they were not to fear those who can kill the body but after that there was nothing they could do. And that if professed Christ before man Jesus would process us before the Father in heaven and the holy angels.

I'm ready to lay aside every weight of hindrance that would hold he back from full service in the kingdom of God. God has taken care of everything need for me to live a clean life before Him on this earth in this body. It's our responsibility to bring our bodies under the direction and guidance of God's spirit in our spirits. There is more that we are going to need to access in their spirit the answer the call of God on our lives in these last days. It's high time for us to awaken to the righteousness of God inside us and to put and end to the filth of the flesh.

The day of the Lord is closer than it's ever been. Let the righteous arise with the healing and power of Christ in their wings to call all who will come to the marriage supper of their lamb. There is plenty of room for any who will choose to come.

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