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Here's A Bag Of Brain Food.

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Whoever hears these words, and whoever understands them, for it may be that those who pass on this knowledge are not those who will understand it best.

What is meant here is that these three things strengthen the heart, and whoever distinguishes themselves in them will have purified from all manners of deceit, corruption, and evil.

Whoever secures a.single moment of pure devotion to God,, in there life will survive, for devotion is rare, and precious, and cleansing the heart of it's impurities is an exacting undertaking.

In fact, devotion is the purifying of the heart from all impurities, whether few or many, so that the intentions.of is the drawing nearer to God, is the feeding from all motives, except that of seeking His pleasure.

Insincerity is the freeing, of a persons intentions, from all impurities, in or to come nearer to God.

It is to ensure that the intentions behind, all, acts, of worship, and obedience to God, are exclusively His.


Making Good, Is To Add Within Your

Word's, And Actions, Making Thing's Better.


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